This is a story about being a rebel at heart. To believe in yourself, to love who you want, to have the courage to become who you want to be, to be part of something bigger - to unite in a colourful euphoria. It’s a story about six ordinary guys that set sails to their Ark to the save the world with music and love. It’s the dream of escaping everyday normative life and becoming someone else. From their conviction and bond comes a force and success that is unparalleled in Swedish music history.
The film will reflect The Ark and their message to all the Beautiful Idiots of the World. A colorful story with an underlying seriousness and a large portion of lust.
The music becomes an important part of the film. Specifically selected songs are used to drive the story forward and deepen emotions in various scenes and events of the members' lives. In various guises, The Ark's music becomes part of the soundtrack and a way to emotionally connect the audience to various scenes and events in the film. A shudder, a tear and a clenched fist and the desire to sing along in the cinema darkness.
Director: Martin Sandell
Cinematographer: Viktor Annerstål
Sound technician: Jonas Goldmann
Klippare: Engeli Broberg
Producer: Stina Gardell
Developed with support from The Swedish Film Institute/Jannik Splidsboel